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Pro Audio
Line Array and Point Source, Wireless Microphones, Digital & Analog Mixing Boards, Subwoofers, Wedges/Monitors

AUDIO Equipment Rental in Plano, TX
We specialize in pro-audio & loudspeaker technology for live events, concerts and corporate events.
Our audio technicians have experience at the top and excel in their chosen field. We are perfectionist and musicians at heart and make sure any event has the most crisp, clear and even audio coverage possible, even in acoustically challenging venues.
the Gear List
-k12 K series 1000w
-RIO1608-D Dante I/O Rack
-RIO3224-D Dante I/O Rack
-AD4Q 4-Channel Digital Wireless Receiver
-Shure AD2/SM58 Handheld
-Shure AD1 Lavalier
-WL184 Supercardiod Lavalier
-AD1 G57 Body Pack Transmitter
-UA874US Active Directional Antenna
-Beta 52
-Beta 57a Supercardioid D
-Beta 58
-SM57-LC Cardioid Dynamic
-SM58-LC Cardioid Dynamic
-DPA 4088-DC-A-F00-LH 4088 CORE Directional Headset Mic, Beige or Brown
-DAD6010 Adapter: Shure
EDC Acoustics
-SQ-90 square
-CS-60 medium column
-CS-30 small column
-SS-3 sub
-Flying Hardware

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